Thank you for looking at this website; simply put, there’s a fortune to be saved by adapting your driving habits, and my easy to follow manual will outline exactly how you can instantly reduce your fuel bills!
As I reserached this guide I was motivated by three things:
- I wanted to share my array of knowledge and understanding of all types of motor vehicles which I have built up after many years within the industry to help you save money,
- The fact that it is now so expensive to fill up your car with petrol or diesel, that it makes even short journeys so costly, and finally
- A desire for us to cut our emissions and help preserve our planet for my kids.
However, for the reader my main theme is how to reduce your petrol bills, so this manual has the very best 25 tips I am aware of, all aimed at helping you increase the fuel economy of your car and thereby save you money.
In total I have looked at over 60 ideas to save fuel, and there are some I have considered but decided not to include. These have mainly fallen into two groups: i) those that are either plain reckless and dangerous, as sometimes practiced by hyper-milers (people who try to achieve the maximum possible fuel economy) as in my mind driving safely and getting to your destination in one piece far outweighs the potential gains these driving techniques can bring, and ii) modifications that you can make to your car, or items you can purchase to obtain fuel saving gains (most of these seem to be a complete waste of money though!).
So rather than ask you to pay out any money to improve fuel efficiency, I have instead included the best practical tips I can find that generally will not cost you a penny, but save a pretty penny instead!
Over the next few years, the motor industry will go through massive change. The emphasis to design vehicles with far better emissions and fuel economy is, for many manufacturers, a position they are being forced to adopt due to charges and fines they will start facing in 2015.
As I write this, an array of electric and hybrid vehicles are about to hit the market, and this will very quickly cause the somewhat expensive ‘early adopter’ pricing currently levied against existing electric and hybrid vehicles to fall rapidly to more conventional pricing.
As an engineer I have high hope for these technologies, and with the industry now putting significant investment into their research and development, rather than the mere lip-service it previously gave, things will undoubtedly move quickly. But, it will take time for these new technologies to become widespread.
So this leads me to my second motivation: what can the average motorist do today, right now, that will lower your fuel costs and make driving more affordable again?
I believe this manual will give you lots of ideas to save money, and it may also in the process make you a better driver too.
David Hardisty
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